Parent information and obligations
The Out of School Hours Care program is organised through Camp Australia and provides Before and After school care. The program’s policy is available from the web site (see below). The following information provides a summary of the program and its policy. All parents are asked to read this summary and to follow the instructions carefully to ensure the safety and well being of the children and the smooth running of the program. Children should also be made aware of the guidelines for the program.
Program Aims
The OSHC program aims to provide:
• A safe and well-supervised environment.
• Interesting, stimulating and developmentally appropriate activities and events.
• An environment in which children, staff and parents feel secure, relaxed and welcome.
An enrolment form must be completed online at www.campaustralia.com.au before a child can attend the program. By completing this form, parents agree to adhere to the obligations outlined in this summary and those in the policy.
Bookings for the Before and After School care programs can be made online at www.campaustralia.com.au or by contacting Customer Service on 1300 105 343. An answering machine is also checked daily. Any changes to bookings must be reported to the service by calling our Customer Service team or by cancelling online.
Charges will apply if cancellations are not made one week prior to the booked day.
Before School Care After School Care Holiday Program (Rocketeers) Sign In / Out
7.00am – 8.45am
3.30pm – 6.00pm
7.00am – 6.15pm
Children must be dropped off (BSC) and picked up by a parent or other authorised adult and signed in or out on the register. The people authorised to pick up your child should be listed on the enrolment form.Children attending ASC should come directly to the OSHC room (in the Stadium) at 3.30pm, unless otherwise arranged. Children attending the BSC program will be dismissed at 8.45am. It is the child’s responsibility to remain within the school grounds until the school day starts. Prep teachers will bring students to ASC in the Stadium for the first few weeks, so they get used to the new system. For Term I, staff will stay with Prep children until 9am when they go into class.
Late Pick up
In the case where a child is left at the program after 6pm the coordinator may take the following action:
• Ring parents
• Ring emergency contacts
The parent will be billed for all expenses incurred.
Refer to Camp Australia leaflet for current rates.
Child Care Benefit is available from Centrelink. Application forms are available from Centrelink. Child Care Benefit is income tested and scaled, resulting in a reduction of between 0% and 85% of the total fee.
Illness or Injury
Staff members hold current first aid certificates and will administer basic first aid where necessary. The child will remain at the program until they are collected by a parent or in the case of BSC the child will be placed in the first aid room in the administration area. In the case of serious injury or illness, the coordinator is not expected to diagnose or treat the condition. This will be the responsibility of the medical practitioner or ambulance officer on the scene. Parents or emergency contacts will be informed of any serious injury and asked to collect the child. An attempt will be made to call the parents to inform them that an ambulance has been called.Parents are advised to join the ambulance service as it is their responsibility to pay for the service if it is summoned for their child.
If your child requires any form of medication while at our program, you must provide details at the time of their enrolment with us. Then, either at or before their first session with Camp Australia, the medication must be given to the co-ordinator (in its original packaging and labelled with the child’s name) along with supporting documents (action plan, etc.) signed by a healthcare professional.
Infectious Diseases
A child should not attend the program if they have an infectious disease and can be excluded by the Principal or coordinator according to the table found in the school information manual.